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Glass Window

Bird Window Collision

Window and building collision is a leading cause of songbird injury and death year-round, with higher numbers seen during spring and fall migrations. While taller buildings pose significant risk, homeowners also experience birds colliding with their windows. Windows reflect their surroundings, so a bird may see more sky or trees and will not recognize the window as glass. 


If you have found a bird you believe has struck a window, please contact a rehabilitator.  If there are no visible injuries and the bird remains grounded, it may be stunned or have a concussion, but even active birds can have injuries from a window impact or suffer a mild concussion that may worsen with

out treatment. Please follow these steps:


1. Safely contain: Place the bird in a ventilated container lined with a towel or paper towels and place the container in a dark, quiet location. Some birds become stunned and given a little time, may become more alert. However, this does not indicate that they are okay for release. Some birds with a mild concussion may be able to fly short distances, but just like humans, they still need medical attention to help reduce brain swelling and make sure there are not any underlying injuries.


2. No water: Keep the bird in a quiet location to reduce stress until help can be found. Please do not place any water in the bird's mouth or into the box. Concussed birds sometimes have trouble maintaining their balance and can fall into a water dish and aspirate water into their lungs.


3. Do not release: Carefully monitor the bird until transport, but use caution when opening the container so the bird does not get loose. Adrenaline can cause them to have a short-acting flight response, but they still need medical assessment and care. 


4. If overnight holding is necessary: If you cannot get the bird to a licensed rehabber the same day and must keep the bird overnight, please contact a rehabber for guidance on feeding. Hydration can be helped by providing small pieces of soft fruit such as blueberries, strawberries, raspberries, etc. and these are safer than trying to give a bird water. 



How to Reduce the Risks of
Window/Building Collisions

Tips for reducing the risk of bird window collisions can include things as simple as window film and window screens, but can also include appropriate lighting so that migrating birds are not disoriented from light pollution. Please be aware that window decals and window film will help ONLY if applied to the outside of the glass. These are designed to break up the reflection the birds see so they will recognize that there is an obstacle. Please visit Birds Georgia's page for more information and tips and consider signing their homeowner's Lights Out Georgia pledge. Project Safe Flight


While window collisions happen year-round, they increase dramatically during spring and fall migrations when, on any given evening, millions of birds fly through the skies over Atlanta.


View the collision forecasts for our area

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