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Help Section

Please visit the appropriate section below before contacting us for assistance. This guide may help to resolve the situation more quickly or assist you in stabilizing the bird until help can be obtained. If you can readily and safely capture the bird, place the bird into a ventilated container or cardboard box lined with a towel or paper towels and place the container in a safe, quiet location until assistance can be found. Please do not remove safely nested baby birds from their nests.
   Please do not put any liquids into a bird's mouth - they can easily inhale liquids. Do not give any water unless advised to do so. Unstable birds may fall into a water dish and drown. 
An appropriate ventilated container might be a cardboard box or a plastic bin with a lid with small holes for air to pass through. Please use something in the bottom to prevent the bird from sliding around in the container.
Wildlife Center of North Georgia, Inc. is currently unable to accept raptors, waterfowl, and mammals. If you have found these species, please visit our resources page for help.


Help Center

Carolina Wren stuck in glue trap

Bird Stuck on Glue Trap

This is an EMERGENCY. DO NOT pull the bird off the trap. First use cornmeal, cereal, tissue, or newspaper to cover any exposed glue surfaces so the bird does not get more attached. Then, follow these instructions:

Baby Bird

Baby Birds

Check this section for tips on when to intervene for baby birds and fledglings, and how to help baby birds found on the ground.

Cat on top of bird house

Cat Caught/Dog Caught

Cat saliva carries a bacteria that is deadly to birds. Cat-caught birds need medical attention even if no wounds are visible. Please secure the bird in a ventilated container and then follow these instructions.


Bird Struck Window

If you suspect the bird struck a window, look for obvious injuries, contain it and move it to a safe area, then follow these instructions:

Bird sitting on ground

Injured Bird

If you think a bird is injured, look for obvious signs such as, dangling legs or wings and open wounds. Place the bird into a ventilated container in a safe and quiet location and follow these instructions:

Graphic on how to re-nest Chimney Swifts

Bird Fell from Chimney

Baby Chimney Swifts can fall from a nest inside of a chimney. Follow this guidance if you encounter these unique baby birds.

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