Injured Birds
If you have found a songbird on the ground, look for injuries. You may feel more comfortable wearing gloves if you decide to handle the bird, but you should always wash your hands after handling any wildlife. Look for obvious signs of injury such as a wing or leg that dangles, a wound or bloody area. Also note if the bird seems weak, does not struggle, or hangs it's head. His feathers may appear "fluffed up", which could also be a sign he is not well. If you find any injuries, please contact a rehabilitator for guidance.
If you cannot find any injuries, here are a couple of guides that will assist you in determining if the bird needs help.
Baby birds on the ground (any age from hatchling with eyes closed to feathered but lacking tail feathers) - visit our baby bird section here.
Fledglings (fully or almost fully feathered with short tail feathers) - visit our fledgling section here.
Adult birds that can be captured easily are not well. Please place the bird into a ventilated container lined with paper towels or cloth and place the container into a dark, quiet room until help can be found. This will help reduce stress for the bird. Then please contact a rehabilitator for further guidance.
Please DO NOT place any liquids into a bird's mouth - they can inhale the liquid.
The Myth About Handling Baby Birds
People often ask about whether or not they can pick up baby birds and place them back into their nests. People have heard that the parents will not care for them once human scent is on their feathers. This is a MYTH. It is true for many mammals, but most songbirds do not rely on their sense of smell in the same way mammals do. Parent birds will continue to care for their nestlings even after they are handled by people.
If you handle any wildlife, please use good housekeeping measures and wash your hands afterwards, or wear protective gloves.